速報APP / 生產應用 / To Do List - Simple Task Manager

To Do List - Simple Task Manager





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本



聯絡地址:406, 4th Floor, Akshar Tower, Opposite SBI Bank, Kanya Chhatralay Road, Sanala Road,Morbi-363641 (Guj) India.

To Do List - Simple Task Manager(圖1)-速報App

Keeping life in order shouldn’t be this hard!

To-do list is a free & simple task manager app that helps you get your stuff done. This app helps you organize and prioritize your tasks and projects so you can stress less and achieve more.

To Do List - Simple Task Manager(圖2)-速報App

From planning an awesome vacation to organizing a big project.To-do list instantly syncs between your phone and Google Drive, so you can access your to-dos from anywhere.It also allow you to backup remotly in SD card.

Key To-do List Features:

To Do List - Simple Task Manager(圖3)-速報App

• Clean and smart design keeps you focused on your goals for the day.

• Easily add, organize and schedule your to-dos from your phone

To Do List - Simple Task Manager(圖4)-速報App

• Backup your data locally in SD card or live with Google Drive.

• Password Protected app.

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• Set due dates and reminders to ensure you never forget important deadlines (or birthday gifts) again

• Create lists to help sort your to-dos for home, work and everything in between.

To Do List - Simple Task Manager(圖6)-速報App

• Set recurring tasks for regularly scheduled to-dos

It’s as easy to use as pen and paper, and once you start organizing your life with To-do List, you’ll wonder how you ever managed without it.

To Do List - Simple Task Manager(圖7)-速報App

Make every day a success with To-do List. Download the free app & execute everyday tasks like a pro!

We’d love to know how we can make you even more productive, so get in touch (info@lightlink.in)

To Do List - Simple Task Manager(圖8)-速報App